平臺名字:ISEKY-Web3.0二次元共創平臺 英文:ISEKY-Web3.0 Second-Dimension Co-creation Platform 平臺簡介:ISEKY是基於Web3.0和AIGC的去中心化ACGN共創平臺。 我們通過DRT(Digital Rights Token)形式經營异世界IP版權,構建一個真正的IP共創社區,連結版權投資者、內容創作者及內容消費者,用眾籌共創的管道,打造一個屬於大家的异世界元宇宙。 英文:ISEKY is a decentralized ACGN(Anime,Comic,Game,Novel)co-creation platform based on Web3.0 and AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content). We operate otherworldly IP copyrights through Digital Rights Tokens(DRT)to establish a truly collaborative IP community. By connecting copyright investors,content creators,and content consumers,we aim to build an otherworldly metaverse that belongs to everyone through crowdfunding and co-creation. ISEKY的Discord,ISEKY Discord ISEKY的推特,ISEKY twitter ISEKY的電報,ISEKY Telegram ISEKY的油管,ISEKY Youtube ISEKY的維琪百科,ISEKY Wiki ISEKY的臉書,ISEKY Face book 自媒體標題連結1:從Openseo打開ISEKY的銷售頁,Open the sales page of ISEKY from Openseo: 自媒體標題連結2:從Blur打開ISEKY的銷售頁,Open the sales page of ISEKY from Blur: 自媒體標題連結3:ISEKY白皮書,ISEKY whitepaper: 自媒體標題連結4:ISEKY官方回購,ISEKY official buyback: 自媒體標題連結5:ISEKY是什麼? What is ISEKY?: 自媒體標題連結6:什麼是DRT? What is DRT?: